Would You Like To See Samuel L. Jackson Return as Mace Windu in Another STAR WARS Project? He Would!


Samuel L. Jackson has played some pretty incredible characters in the movies over the years. One of the most surprising film franchises he showed up in was the Star Wars franchise! I remember being shocked when I heard that he was going to be playing a Jedi in George LucasStar Wars prequels and Mace Windu has since become a fan favorite character.

Jackson is a big Star Wars fan; over the years he’s made it clear that he loved playing this character. He loved it so much that it’s the one role that he would love to play a gain if given the opportunity. He recently appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and said:

“I’d really love to give one more run at Mace Windu in Star Wars.”

Five years ago there was a rumor that Mace Windu might be getting his own Star Wars movie. That news came from director A.J. Edwards (The Better Angels) who said he was in talks with Lucasfilm about directing a Star Wars movie, and specifically revealed that, “It will focus on Mace Windu.” So, at one point there were talks of it happening.

Obviously that’s a project that Lucasfilm didn’t end up rolling forward with, but it would’ve been interesting! Now, as you know Windu was killed off by Palpatine in Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith. Jackson has said in the past that Windu could’ve survived. But, the film could also tell a prequel story. Jackson has said:

“Jedi can fall from amazing distances. And there’s a long history of one-handed Jedi. So why not?”

He even said that Lucas was also okay with Windu still being alive. The question is, do the Star Wars fans want to see the return of Mace Windu? Personally, I think his story would be perfect to explore for a Disney+ series! I have no idea if it will ever happen, but Jackson is ready to reprise the role if Lucasfilm is ever ready for it.

Would you like to see the return of Mace Windu in a film or series?


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Would You Like To See Samuel L. Jackson Return as Mace Windu in Another STAR WARS Project? He Would!
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