Video: George Lucas Helped Direct a Scene in Game of Thrones Plus Other Cool GOT Extras Behind the Scenes

Here’s an awesome video for all you Game of Thrones fans that shows some super cool behind the scenes footage of the series preparing and shooting for this final season. It includes interviews with David Benioff, writer and executive producer on the show, executive producer Bernadette Caulfield, writer Dave Hill, some backstage footage of Martin Starr (Freaks and Geeks) and Rob McElhenney (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia), who got to guest star in an episode, and lots of regular cast members you all know and love.
A real highlight for the cast and crew though, was when George Lucas stopped by the set unexpectedly. Benioff said that when they heard Lucas was coming by the set, they thought it was a practical joke. But it wasn’t!
Director David Nutter said it was such a treat to see Lucas in his directing chair. Nutter had him speak to Emilia Clarke and Kit Harington after the scene he watched to give them notes, and you can see him joking around with them. Benioff said his earliest memories of making up stories began when he was a child playing with Star Wars action figures, and credits Lucas for many people’s love of big, epic storytelling.
It’s a really cool video! Check it out below, but make sure you’re all caught up on the series and have watched last week’s episode, or things may get spoilery for you. Enjoy!