There Are Rumors of a Possible Young Luke Skywalker Standalone STAR WARS Film


It’s no secret that Lucasfilm is developing several standalone Star Wars film projects. They are all in various stages of production, but right now, the only we know is officially happening is the Han Solo movie, which starts shooting next year. There was also a Boba Fett film in production as well, but Lucasfilm put it on the back burner after Fantastic Four director Josh Trank left the project.

Ever since Lucasfilm announced they would be making a bunch of standalone movies there have been rumors of films revolving around Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, and now a possible film about a young Luke Skywalker. 

The news came from a report at THR that was talking about Felicity JonesRogue One contract. They say that she has a sequel option, which is very interesting because Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy said that there would be no Rogue One sequel. The sequel to Rogue One is technically A New Hope

There’s no word on how she would be utilized in a sequel, but according to inside sources, there’s speculation that it could involve a young Luke Skywalker film. I don’t know how that would fit with Jones’ character of Jyn Erso, but it would obviously be a Rogue One prequel film. Of course, there’s always a chance they included the sequel in her contract just in case they found a story to use her in somewhere down the road.

As for a Luke Skywalker movie, will we actually get to see what it was like for him to grow up on the boring planet of Tatooine? Luke hanging out with his friends like Biggs Darklighter at the Toshi Station and farming with his Uncle Owen? Not sure how Jyn would fit into that, but if this turns out to be true, then they must have some kind of idea for a story to tell. Would any of you even be interested in a film focused on Luke’s life on Tatooine? I personally doubt we’ll ever see it happen, but we’ll see. 


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There Are Rumors of a Possible Young Luke Skywalker Standalone STAR WARS Film
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