The Original Plot Details For Lucasfilm's Obi-Wan Kenobi Series Reportedly Revealed


A few months ago we learned that Lucasfilm’s Obi-Wan Kenobi was going through some changes. The series got a new writer and there was a change of showrunners.

It was previously reported that the new plan was to scale the series back from six episodes to only four to tell the story, and we previously reported that the “Kenobi story treaded similar ground as Mandalorian, seeing the Jedi master lending a protective hand to a young Luke and perhaps even a young Leia.”

The Illuminderdi has now shared some new details revealing Lucasfilm’s original plans for the show and it’s in line with the description above with its similarities to The Mandalorian. Here’s the logline they got ahold of:

“Tatooine, a desert planet where farmers work hard under the heat of two suns. Meanwhile, they try to defend themselves and their loved ones from the marauders Tusken. A planet behind the edge of civilization. And a place where it would be unlikely to find a Jedi master, or an orphan child on whom the future of the entire galaxy weighs on its small shoulders.”

It’s a little vague, but it sounds like the plans for the series may have featured the Jedi Master protecting the young Luke Skywalker in some way. This also lines up with reports that Star Wars Legend character A’Sharad Hett, a Jedi who became a Tusken Raider warlord, was set to appear and that they were looking to cast a young Luke Skywalker.

Also like The Mandalorian, this series seems like it would have a very heavy western vibe, which Star Wars fans would have no problem with.

As of right now Joby Harold, known for writing the films Awake and King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, is writing the upcoming Disney+ series. It’ll be interesting to see how he and Lucasfilm end up changing things up.

Ewan McGregor is set to reprise his role and he recently talked about the series, revealing that it will start shooting next year. When talking about the scripts they had written, he said, “They’re in really good shape. They want them to be better.”

What are you hoping to see from the Obi-Wan Kenobi series?


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The Original Plot Details For Lucasfilm's Obi-Wan Kenobi Series Reportedly Revealed
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