Rumor Has it EA is Developing a KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC Game


Well, I’m really hopeful that a new rumor turns out to be true. According to Jordan Maison at Cinelinx, EA may be working on a new Knights of the Republic game. Now, there are a lot of things to consider for this rumor and a lot of salt should be taken with this as well. According to the report, one source says that EA is working on remaking the original KOTOR games for modern systems. The second source says that the new game will be more of a spiritual successor or potentially a sequel to the original games.

Either one of these sounds amazing to me! However, there are reasons that we should take this rumor with a large grain of salt. First, Maison admits that he had heard about a potential remake back in 2015 and then reported a year later that the project was put on hold. That doesn’t look great for him but isn’t a nail in the coffin as things like this happen all the time.

Another problem though is that the question arises of who would make it. Forbes points out that BioWare is busy working on Dragon Age 4, a new Mass Effect game, and a re-launch of Anthem. Meanwhile, Respawn is most likely already at work on a sequel to Fallen Order. Out of EA’s studios, these would be the most likely to handle such a project. I guess DICE or Criteriongames could?

There is talk that a Star Wars film and/or series set in the Old Republic is being developed and this could be a fantastic way to help introduce new fans (and those who missed out on the originals) to the era. What do you think though? Would you prefer a remake or a successor? What studio should develop it?


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Rumor Has it EA is Developing a KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC Game
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