ROGUE ONE's Cassian Andor Could Pop Up in the HAN SOLO Movie


It’s looking like we might not have seen the last of Diego Luna‘s character from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Cassian Andor. There’s a good chance he might show up again in Phil Lord and Chris Miller‘s Han Solo standalone film! 

Luna was recently stopped on the red carpet by MTV and talked about how happy he was with the final cut of Rogue One, saying it’s the best version that exists. He was then straight up asked if there was a chance we could see him pop up in the Han Solo movie, and instead of saying no, he lit up, and the way he skirted around the answering the question seems very telling.

If you watch the video below you’ll see what I mean. It’s just very suspicious, and he certainly acted like he knew something that he wasn’t allowed to confirm. If he’s not in the movie he could have easily just said no, but instead, after acting weird, he said that he “doesn’t have an answer for that.” 

To me, that means there’s a very good chance they are planning to use him in the film. I hope so! I really did like his character, and it would make sense to see him in a Han Solo movie. Cassian is just one of those shady characters who would fit right in with the kind of people that Solo would hang out with.

I doubt he’ll have a big role in the film. I imagine it would just be a cameo, but you never know! It would just be cool to see him back in the Star Wars universe. 


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ROGUE ONE's Cassian Andor Could Pop Up in the HAN SOLO Movie
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