Rian Johnson on His Relationship with Lucasfilm and Says His New STAR WARS Trilogy Will Involve The Force


This would explain why he then had the guts to pitch the idea of a new trilogy. I am quite hopeful for the new trilogy and am extremely excited to get away from the Skywalkers. When talking about how the new trilogy came about the filmmaker said:

“I was the one who said, ‘The thing that’s interesting to me would be a new trilogy, one story told over three movies, on that big canvas of the Star Warsworld. But—go someplace new, meet some new folks, tell a new story,’ and they really responded to that,”

He went on to reveal that he’s still in the process of figuring out what this trilogy will be:

“I haven’t figured it out yet. It’s a really good question… For me the exciting thing about the new trilogy is the notion of how wide open it is and the idea of what can we create.”

This December, we’ll get our biggest clue as to what Johnson’s new trilogy may have in store when The Last Jedi hits theaters. It may not reveal content, but it should tell us a lot about how the story will be told. Of course, one aspect we can expect is the Force as he admits, “the Force and people using the Force are a crucial part of what makes Star Wars for him.” Are you excited for The Last Jedi? What about this new trilogy?

Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits theaters December 15, 2017.


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Rian Johnson on His Relationship with Lucasfilm and Says His New STAR WARS Trilogy Will Involve The Force
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