New Details Revealed for Snoke and His Guards in STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI

For one, his wardrobe is much more extensive than just black hooded robes. A new report from Making Star Wars has stated that he will be wearing gold silky robes for this new film and some kind of silky genie slippers. There’s a possibility they are lined in red giving Snoke a very fancy feel. But the bling don’t stop there. He’s also rumored to have a big old ring on his finger with a big black crystal on it. This could be a black Kyber Crystal.
His throne room is said to look more like a palace or mansion than the usual grey and mechanical palace’s we’re used to seeing in the Star Wars universe. It is based on a marble aesthetic with possibilities of white marble with a gold trim.
His guards are similar to the guards in previous films, with the red armor, shell plating, and red cloth capes, but are rumored to each have their own different helmet and weapon. One has a Staff with blades on the end, one has nunchucks, one uses a sword, and so on. I know it sounds like ninja turtles but I personally wouldn’t mind a ninja turtles Star Wars crossover. There are rumors that these guards actually will have some fighting in the movie, which I think will be awesome. All the guards from the past movies just stood around looking pretty.
Finally, Snoke is rumored to be driving around in a Mega Destroyer. It is reportedly the biggest ship that has been in Star Wars not including the Death Star. It is shaped like a flying wing and has at least ten large engines.
It seems Snoke definitely knows how to roll deep. This dude is living it up in style. I like that we are getting a different kind of villain. It shows that the film is trying to differentiate itself from the previous films and make something exciting and new.