Lucasfilm Is Reportedly Developing a Young Mace Windu Standalone Project


Another report has surfaced regarding another Star Wars project that might be in development at Lucasfilm. The news comes from entertainment scooper Daniel Richmond, who is reporting that they are developing a standalone project that will focus on a younger version of Samuel L. Jackson’s Mace Windu.

The report goes on to say that Lucasfilm will cast a new actor to play a younger version of the character. However, for those of you who have been hoping to see Jackson reprise his role, the report says the actor could return to play Windu again in select scenes.

There’s no word on if the project will be a new series or a new film, but it would certainly be interesting and cool to see Windu back in action in a new Star Wars story!

Jackson is a big Star Wars fan, and over the years he’s made it clear that he loved playing this character and that he’d be happy to take on the role again. In an old interview with The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Jackson said:

“I’d really love to give one more run at Mace Windu in Star Wars.”

Several years ago it was reported that Mace Windu might be getting his own Star Wars movie. That news came from director A.J. Edwards (The Better Angels) who said he was in talks with Lucasfilm about directing a Star Wars movie, and he specifically revealed, “it will focus on Mace Windu.” So, at one point there was a discussion about telling a new Mace Windu story. Maybe it’s actually moving forward.

In regards to whether or not Mace Windu survived his fall in the Star Wars prequels, Jackson previously said:

“There’s a long history of one-handed guys that were Jedis, that have lightsabers, that still made it. Jedis can fall from incredible heights and not die, like cats.”

What are your thoughts on a possible Mace Windu project?


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Lucasfilm Is Reportedly Developing a Young Mace Windu Standalone Project
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