Kathleen Kennedy Teases STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER May Not Be The Last We See of Certain Characters


We’ve heard time and time again that Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker will be bring a solid conclusion to Skywalker saga. Some fans have thought that this will conclude the story for all the new characters that have been introduced to us by J.J. Abrams in the newest final trilogy, but that might not actually be the case.

While talking to The Star Wars Show at Star Wars Celebration, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy talked about how she felt about the end of the saga:

“It’s a mixed feeling of emotions. We don’t look at it entirely as an end, but it is a culmination of the Skywalker story. I’m also incredibly excited about where we’re going and what the future holds and what the new saga might be.”

As you know, Lucasfilm and Disney are going to take a little break after The Rise of Skywalker is released to figure out how they want to proceed with the franchise. It was while Kennedy was talking to MTV News about this that she teased that it might not actually be the end for some of the newer characters:

“We’re using this appropriate time as an opportunity to see where we’re going now that we’re leaving the Skywalker Saga behind. But there’s no question that there’s certain characters that we’ve created certainly in the last three movies that we may very well wanna see down the line in the future.”

They question is, which of these characters will Lucasfilm focus on? Will it be a new saga that continues their story? Will they be spinoff films? Obviously Kennedy didn’t reveal any details, but are there any new characters that have been introduced whose story you’d like to see continue?

Would you want to see a new series of adventures that focus on Rey, Finn, and Poe? What you would you like to see Lucasfilm do with these characters after the Skywalker saga ends?

One thing we know they are looking at for sure is that the next phase of Star Wars will span a decade. Kennedy also went on to say:

“We are looking at the next saga. We are not just looking at another trilogy, we’re really looking at the next 10 years or more. This [movie] is the culmination of the Skywalker Saga; it’s by no means the culmination of Star Wars. I’m sitting down now with Dan Weiss and David Benioff … and Rian Johnson. We’re all sitting down to talk about, where do we go next? We’ve all had conversations about what the possibilities might be, but now we’re locking it down.”

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker releases December 20.


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Kathleen Kennedy Teases STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER May Not Be The Last We See of Certain Characters
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