J.J. Abrams Reportedly Said That STAR WARS: EPISODE IX Will "Unite All Three Trilogies"


When it was announced that J.J. Abrams would be coming back to Lucasfilm to direct Star Wars: Episode IX, fans were split. Some fans loved the idea, while others would have liked to see someone else take it on. Some fans are worried that we’ll just see a remake of The Return of the Jedi. Regardless of what you think, it’s all set in stone and he is currently developing the script with Argo screenwriter Chris Terrio

In s recent interview with BBC Radio 4, Abrams talked about directing Episode IX and says that he’s looking to take the story in a fresh direction.

“Well, it’s certainly something that I’m aware of now working on Episode IX – coming back into this world after having done Episode VII. I feel like we need to approach this with the same excitement that we had when we were kids, loving what these movies were. And at the same time, we have to take them places that they haven’t gone, and that’s sort of our responsibility.”

Then some additional information was revealed by a fan who met Abrams and Terrio. This fan posted photographic proof that he did meet these two individuals on Reddit. He said he talked to them about Episode IX and it’s in that conversation that it was revealed that the movie would unite all three Star Wars trilogies. Here are the details on what Abrams and Terrio are planning:

“They said that they’re going to be brave and there will be big surprises. I got the impression that JJ felt like he had to refresh previous Star Wars moments for a modern audience in TFA, and now it feels like they have free reign to do what they want. Apparently they’ve had no interference from Kathleen or Pablo or the Lucasfilm Story Group. 9 is also the film which unites all three trilogies and brings everything together. That’s all they would tell me.”

“I worry a little bit that the questions I was asking were too leading. I was speaking to Chris and he was talking about the OT. I said about how I grew up with the PT and the prequels were my entry point into Star Wars. I asked about elements of the PT coming into 9 and Chris said about how 9 unites all of it. He said 9 definitely makes it feel like they’re all happening in the same universe, and there would be PT elements in 9. They could be visual or thematic – he didn’t overtly say that there would be returning planets or characters from the PT or anything.”

Sounds pretty ambitious and I hope that can pull something amazing off that the fans of the franchise will love. Makes me wonder if Snoke is a character that will tie all three trilogies together. There’s still so much that we don’t know about that character! There are so many questions about who he is and where h came from, and we probably won’t be getting those answers until Episode IX

What are your thoughts on all this? What are some of your ideas on how Episode IX can unite the trilogies and bring everything together? 

Via: Star Wars News Net


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J.J. Abrams Reportedly Said That STAR WARS: EPISODE IX Will "Unite All Three Trilogies"
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