FANBOYS Director Kyle Newman Says He'll Direct HAN SOLO For Free


Since Phil Lord and Chris Miller were fired from the Han Solo film, Lucasfilm is on the hunt for a new director to take their place and finish the movie.

Ron Howard, Lawrence Kasdan, and Joe Johnston are all said to be in the running to direct but there’s another filmmaker who’s throwing his name into the hat and he says he’ll direct it for free!

That filmmaker is Kyle Newman, who directed the wonderful Star Wars-inspired film Fanboys. When some of his fans started to suggest that he should take over as the director for Han Solo, he responded with a series of tweets saying:

“I’m available. To be honest, I’d kill it. Was born for it. And know Solo inside out. And am free. As in I would cost zero dollars. I’m not shiny and new. But goddamn could I direct the f**k out of some Star Wars. I have my doctorate in it after all. No fear. Only adrenaline. If it’s Star Wars, then I’m your guy. Period. I know Solo inside and out. You’d enjoy my Han Solo radio dramas recorded live at the past three domestic SW Celebrations. I truly feel like I’m wasting my life NOT working on Star Wars in some capacity. I would go supernova and blow people’s minds.”

The guy is obviously super confident in himself. And you know what? He probably would do a great job! The guy completely understands the character and the Star Wars universe and he could probably do some great things with it. He went on to say:

“It could be a great film and will be a great film.” 

Then when commenting on Lord and Miller he said:

“Those guys are great and their DNA will still be all over it.”

That is unless Lucasfilm decides to start all over again from scratch. Newman also suggested another person that would be a great fit as a director to take on the film. That someone is Dave Filoni, director of the Clone Wars animated series and executive producer of Star Wars Rebels

That’s an awesome suggestion as well that I think fans would flip over! Even though Newman is willing to do it for free, I doubt Lucasfilm will even consider him. I don’t think they would take risk after what they just went through with Lord and Miller. It’d be pretty awesome if they did take the risk, though!


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FANBOYS Director Kyle Newman Says He'll Direct HAN SOLO For Free
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