Domhnall Gleeson Discusses STAR WARS: EPISODE IX and Thinks J.J. Abrams will Take it in an Unexpected Direction


As of right now, there are only a handful of people in the world that know what J.J. Abrams is planning to do with Star Wars: Episode IX. Fans are speculating on what could happen, but like The Last Jedi, there’s a good chance that it will end up being completely different from what we are thinking it could be. 

During a recent interview with RadioTimes, Domhnall Gleeson (General Hux) talks about the next installment of the saga. He thinks that Abrams will take the story in an unexpected direction and he also hopes that his character will continue to have a comedic element to him. 

“What was brilliant [about Star Wars: The Last Jedi] was that it was unexpected. And I’ve got a feeling that what JJ does may also be unexpected. I wasn’t expecting [Hux’s comedy] to be the way it went in VIII, at all. It really surprised me. And I’d say rather than played for laughs, it was written for laughs. We did it with an eye on the comic elements of it.”

Gleeson goes on to admit that he has yet to hear anything from Abrams or Lucasfilm about the next installment of Star Wars, and he hopes that he’s in it:

“I’ve got no idea because I haven’t read a script. I have no idea what direction he’ll take it in, or even if he’ll use me. So I’m hoping that if I’m in the next one, I’ll get to do [some more comedy].”

It would be kind of silly if Hux wasn’t in the movie unless it’s set years after the events of The Last Jedi, which is a possibility. Despite not knowing what his status in the film is, Gleeson is confident that Abrams will give him something exciting to do… if he is in it.

“Because JJ’s writing it, I know that if I’m in it I’ll get to do something exciting. So that would be nice.”

I think that Abrams will deliver a solid ending to the saga. He better! If he thought the pressure of starting this new Star Wars trilogy was heavy, just wait until he feels the pressure of closing it out. This trilogy will close out the Skywalker saga! That’s a little weird to think about. When previously talking about the film, the director said:

“I learned so much [on The Force Awakens] and I saw that this was a chance to sort of realize something that we hadn’t quite achieved – and part of that was it was simply the beginning of these new characters and their story. The opportunity to sort of take what we had learned, to take the feeling of who these characters are and what they are and give them a final chapter that felt in the spirit of what we begun? It was too delicious of an opportunity to pass up.”

Star Wars: Episode IX begins filming this summer and it’s set to be released on December 20, 2019.


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Domhnall Gleeson Discusses STAR WARS: EPISODE IX and Thinks J.J. Abrams will Take it in an Unexpected Direction
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