Adam Driver Explains That Kylo Ren Doesn't Need Redemption in RISE OF SKYWALKER


There are a lot of fan theories out there regarding Kylo Ren and his possible redemption in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Well, it doesn’t sound like Kylo is looking for any kind of redemption because according to Adam Driver, he doesn’t need it.

During a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Driver was asked if it was possible for Kylo to be redeemed, and the actor’s response was, “What does he have to be redeemed for?”

Well, he did end up killing his own dad and a bunch of other people! The dude even destroyed several entire planets with Starkiller Base! But the actor sees Kylo’s actions from a very different perspective and explains that he’s already been redeemed in his story:

“[Kylo Ren] has a different identity, a different definition of what redemption is. He’s already been redeemed in his story. I don’t think there is a thought of redemption. He doesn’t have an outside lens of the events, you know — you know what I mean? That’s more of an outsider’s view of his world.”

That’s certainly an interesting way to look at things. I mean, he’s not wrong. So, I guess we shouldn’t expect to see Kylo Ren redeemed in this upcoming film because he is clearly feeling fine and at peace with the terrible choices that he’s made in his life.


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Adam Driver Explains That Kylo Ren Doesn't Need Redemption in RISE OF SKYWALKER
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